Serving Central Arkansas since 1973

When you're working with HBP, you're working with history.

Having served Central Arkansas collectively for over 50 years, HBP has a database of over 30,000 homes. Inspecting so many houses in such a concentrated area has resulted in multiple inspections on individual homes. The data collected from these multiple inspections allows us to track the changes in the conditions of a home over time. While the report is never shared with anyone other than the hiring client, we do review previous reports on the home to evaluate both positive and negative changes. This deep running knowledge of the life of a Central Arkansas home makes us one of the most sought after home inspection companies in the area.

Each inspector is personally trained by Tom Allen after they have taken the necessary educational courses and received their professional license. HBP has developed its own reporting system that is concise and direct. We encourage all of our clients to be present during the inspection; however, this is not a requirement. At the end of an inspection, the inspector performs a brief overview of the inspection and reviews the findings. They review all the major items during this overview.

When you call HBP, you are greeted by Alicia Allen-Buerger, owner of HBP. The daughter of Tom Allen, she has extensive knowledge in the business and can often answer many of the questions one may have before scheduling an appointment. She sets up all appointments for each inspector.